Guide to making Feijoa Wine

Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Feijoa wine is a delightful and unique beverage crafted from the aromatic and tangy feijoa fruit. With its distinctive flavor profile and a hint of tropical sweetness, feijoa wine offers a refreshing and enjoyable experience for wine enthusiasts. The wine captures the essence of the feijoa, balancing its natural flavors with the fermentation process to create a delightful libation.

Making wine at home brings a host of benefits and a sense of satisfaction that cannot be replicated by store-bought options. By embarking on the journey of crafting your own feijoa wine, you have the opportunity to express your creativity and personalize the flavors according to your preferences. The process allows you to gain a deeper understanding of winemaking techniques, while also fostering a stronger connection to the ingredients and the final product. Additionally, sharing your homemade feijoa wine with friends and family can be a source of pride and joy.

how to make feijoa wine

Ingredients and Equipment

To make feijoa wine, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Feijoas: Select ripe and flavorful feijoas, preferably organically grown for the best results.
  • Sugar: Used to provide the necessary fermentable sugars for the yeast to convert into alcohol.
  • Yeast: Choose a wine yeast suitable for fruit wines to ensure a proper fermentation process.
  • Clean Water: Used as the base for the wine and to dilute the feijoa pulp.

In addition to the ingredients, you may need the following equipment:

1. Fermentation vessel: A food-grade vessel, such as a glass carboy or a plastic fermenter, to hold the wine during fermentation.
2. Airlock: This device allows carbon dioxide to escape during fermentation while preventing oxygen and contaminants from entering.
3. Siphoning tube: Used for transferring the wine between vessels while minimizing oxygen exposure.
4. Hydrometer: A tool for measuring the specific gravity of the wine at different stages of fermentation.
5. Sanitizing solution: Essential for sterilizing all equipment to prevent contamination by unwanted microorganisms.
6. Bottles and corks: Used for storing the finished feijoa wine. Choose wine bottles that can be securely sealed with quality corks.

By gathering these ingredients and equipment, you'll be well-prepared to begin the exciting journey of making feijoa wine at home.


Selecting ripe and flavorful feijoas is crucial to ensure the best quality and taste in your feijoa wine. Here's why it's important:

Feijoas that are fully ripe will offer the best balance of flavors, sweetness, and acidity. Look for fruits that are slightly soft to the touch and have a pleasant fragrance. Avoid using overly ripe or underripe feijoas, as they may affect the overall taste of the wine.

Before beginning the winemaking process, it is essential to clean and sanitize all equipment thoroughly. This step is crucial to prevent the growth of unwanted bacteria or wild yeasts that could negatively impact the wine's flavor and quality. Follow these steps for cleaning and sanitizing your equipment:

1. Start by washing all equipment, including the fermentation vessel, airlock, siphoning tube, hydrometer, bottles, and corks, with warm water and a mild detergent. Use a brush or sponge to remove any visible dirt or residue.

2. Rinse the equipment thoroughly to ensure no detergent or soap residue remains.

3. Prepare a sanitizing solution by following the instructions provided with the chosen sanitizer. Common sanitizing agents include metabisulfite, bleach, or a commercial brewing sanitizer.

4. Submerge all equipment in the sanitizing solution, ensuring that they are fully covered. Allow them to soak for the recommended amount of time specified by the sanitizer's instructions.

5. After sanitizing, rinse the equipment with clean, cold water. Avoid touching the sanitized surfaces with your hands or any non-sanitized objects.

Now that the equipment is clean and sanitized, you can proceed with washing and preparing the feijoas for winemaking. Follow these steps:

1. Start by rinsing the feijoas under cool running water to remove any dirt or debris.

2. Once cleaned, remove the skin from the feijoas. This can be done by cutting off the stem end and gently peeling the skin away with a paring knife or your fingers. Alternatively, you can scoop out the pulp from the skin using a spoon.

3. After peeling, chop the feijoas into small pieces, roughly 1 to 2 centimeters in size. This will facilitate the extraction of flavors during the fermentation process. Remove any tough or woody parts, as they can affect the texture and taste of the wine.

Making wine or beer is like painting, most of the work is in the preparation so we strongly urge you to follow sensible santitization practices - there's nothing worse than checking on a batch or brew to find it spoiled. It's simply a waste of your time and money if you do not clean and sterilize equipment!


The fermentation process is where the magic happens, as the yeast converts the sugars in the feijoas into alcohol. Follow these steps to ensure a successful fermentation:

1. Mashing the feijoas: Place the chopped feijoas into a sanitized container and mash them using a sanitized utensil, such as a potato masher or a sanitized gloved hand. This step helps release the juices and flavors from the fruit.

2. Adding sugar and water to the fermentation vessel: Transfer the mashed feijoas into a sanitized fermentation vessel, then add the required amount of sugar and water. The sugar provides the necessary fuel for yeast fermentation. The amount of sugar required will depend on the desired sweetness and alcohol content of the wine. Refer to a feijoa wine recipe or use a hydrometer to measure the specific gravity and adjust the sugar accordingly.

3. Mixing the ingredients well: Stir the mixture thoroughly to dissolve the sugar and ensure even distribution of the feijoa pulp. This helps kickstart the fermentation process and promotes yeast activity.

4. Adding yeast and stirring: Sprinkle the wine yeast over the surface of the mixture. Give it a gentle stir to incorporate the yeast into the liquid. This initiates fermentation by introducing the yeast that will convert the sugars into alcohol.

5. Sealing the vessel with an airlock: Attach a sanitized airlock to the fermentation vessel according to the manufacturer's instructions. The airlock allows carbon dioxide to escape while preventing oxygen and contaminants from entering. Place the vessel in a cool, dark area with a stable temperature.

Ideal temperature and conditions for fermentation:

The ideal temperature for feijoa wine fermentation is generally between 18°C and 24°C (64°F and 75°F). Avoid exposing the fermentation vessel to extreme temperature fluctuations or direct sunlight, as these factors can affect the fermentation process and the quality of the wine. Aim for a consistent temperature throughout the fermentation period.

Monitoring the fermentation process:

During fermentation, it's important to monitor the progress regularly. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

- Check the airlock: The airlock should show signs of fermentation within the first 24 to 48 hours, such as bubbles or movement in the airlock. This indicates that the yeast is active.

- Take hydrometer readings: Use a sanitized hydrometer to measure the specific gravity of the wine. Take readings periodically to track the fermentation progress. As fermentation continues, the specific gravity will decrease, indicating that the sugar is being converted into alcohol.

- Observe the aroma and appearance: Throughout fermentation, pay attention to any unusual odors or off-putting aromas. Additionally, monitor the color and clarity of the liquid, as these can indicate the progress of fermentation.

Duration of fermentation and signs of completion:

Feijoa wine fermentation typically lasts for around 2 to 4 weeks, but it can vary depending on various factors, such as temperature and yeast activity. Signs of completion include a stable specific gravity reading over several days, no visible fermentation activity in the airlock, and a clearer appearance. Once fermentation is complete, the wine is ready for the next steps, such as racking and aging.

guide to making feijoa wine

What is the best yeast to use to make feijoa wine?

When making feijoa wine, it is recommended to use a wine yeast specifically formulated for fruit wines. While there are various types of wine yeast available, certain strains are better suited for fermenting fruit-based wines, including feijoa wine. Two popular choices are Lalvin EC-1118 (also known as Prise de Mousse) and Lalvin QA23.

Lalvin EC-1118 is a champagne yeast known for its ability to tolerate a wide range of temperatures and produce a clean, neutral fermentation. It has a strong fermentation capacity and is well-suited for fruit wines, including feijoa wine. This yeast can help ensure a complete fermentation and produce a dry wine with a crisp character.

Lalvin QA23 is another excellent option for making feijoa wine. It is known for its low nutrient requirements and ability to enhance fruit flavors. QA23 can contribute to the development of pleasant aromas and help preserve the natural characteristics of the feijoas. This yeast strain is often chosen for white wines and fruit wines, including those made with feijoas.

Both Lalvin EC-1118 and Lalvin QA23 are reliable choices for feijoa wine, but the final selection depends on personal preference and desired outcomes. Other wine yeast strains suitable for fruit wines may also be available, so it's worth exploring different options and consulting with local winemaking suppliers or enthusiasts for recommendations specific to your region and the available yeast strains.

Racking and Aging

Racking is an essential step in winemaking that involves transferring the wine from one vessel to another, leaving behind sediment and clarifying the wine. Here's what you need to know:

Process of racking:

1. Prepare a clean and sanitized secondary fermentation vessel. This can be another fermentation vessel or a carboy.

2. Gently siphon the feijoa wine from the primary fermentation vessel into the secondary vessel. The siphoning tube should reach near the bottom of the vessel to minimize oxygen exposure.

3. As you transfer the wine, be cautious not to disturb the sediment at the bottom. This sediment consists of yeast, fruit solids, and other particles that have settled during fermentation.

4. Once the wine has been successfully racked, attach a sanitized airlock to the secondary vessel.

Purpose of racking and its importance in clarifying the wine:

Racking serves two primary purposes: clarifying the wine and separating it from the sediment. During fermentation, solids and suspended particles settle at the bottom of the vessel, clouding the wine. Racking helps remove these impurities, resulting in a clearer and more visually appealing wine. Additionally, it reduces the risk of off-flavors caused by extended contact with the sediment.

Instructions for racking the wine and leaving behind sediment:

To rack the wine while leaving behind sediment:

1. Place the primary fermentation vessel on a stable surface and ensure it is higher than the secondary vessel.

2. Insert the sanitized siphoning tube into the wine, making sure it reaches below the surface but does not touch the sediment at the bottom.

3. Start the siphoning process by either using a gravity siphon or by gently sucking on the tube to initiate the flow. Be careful not to introduce any contaminants into the wine.

4. Direct the flow of wine into the secondary vessel, gradually raising the primary vessel if needed to maintain the siphoning process.

5. Monitor the process and stop siphoning when you notice the sediment approaching the tube's opening. This ensures that only the clarified wine is transferred.

What's the best time and way to store feijoa wine?

Aging feijoa wine allows it to develop and refine its flavors, aromas, and overall character. During this period, the wine undergoes chemical changes that contribute to its complexity and smoothness. While feijoa wine can be enjoyed relatively young, aging it can enhance its taste and texture.

The recommended aging period for feijoa wine can range from 6 months to 2 years, depending on personal preference and the wine's initial qualities. Generally, a minimum of 6 months is recommended to allow the flavors to meld and mellow. Longer aging periods can lead to further refinement and complexity.

Storage conditions for aging:

To properly age feijoa wine, consider the following storage conditions:

1. Temperature: Store the wine in a cool and stable environment, ideally between 12°C and 16°C (54°F and 61°F). Avoid temperature fluctuations, as they can affect the aging process and the wine's quality.

2. Light exposure: Keep the wine away from direct sunlight or strong artificial light, as UV rays can degrade the wine and negatively impact its flavors.

3. Humidity: Maintain a moderate level of humidity, around 60-70%, to prevent the corks from drying out and compromising the wine's seal.

4. Positioning: Store the bottles horizontally to keep the corks moist, ensuring a proper seal and minimizing the risk of oxidation.

By racking the wine and allowing it to age under appropriate conditions, you can enjoy the benefits of a clearer and more refined feijoa wine with enhanced flavors and aromas.

The maturation time for feijoa wine can vary depending on various factors, including personal preference, the wine's initial qualities, and the aging period it has already undergone. As a general guideline, it is recommended to allow the wine to mature for at least 3 to 6 months after bottling before consumption.

Making feijoa wine at home involves several steps, starting with the selection of ripe feijoas and the cleaning and sanitization of equipment. The feijoas are then prepared by removing the skin and chopping the fruit. The fermentation process begins by mashing the feijoas, adding sugar and water, and introducing yeast. The wine ferments in a controlled environment, and once fermentation is complete, it can be racked to clarify and separate it from sediment. The wine is aged in suitable conditions before being bottled and allowed to settle further. Finally, after a suitable maturation period, the feijoa wine is ready to be enjoyed.

Here are some final tips for achieving the best results:

1. Quality ingredients: Use ripe and flavorful feijoas to ensure the best taste in your wine.

2. Proper sanitation: Clean and sanitize all equipment thoroughly to prevent contamination.

3. Temperature control: Maintain a stable and appropriate fermentation temperature for optimal yeast activity.

4. Patience: Allow the wine to undergo the necessary stages of fermentation, racking, and aging. Good things come to those who wait!

5. Storage conditions: Store the bottled wine in a cool, dark, and stable environment to preserve its quality.


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